Main Page
This site is not under construction, I am just lazy...
My Projects
WTrunk is a windows port of the MSDOS Trunker program. It uses the seldom used console application mode of windows instead of the GUI mode. It uses the same file format as the MSDOS version. The sound card is used for discriminator audio instead of a data slicer to the Serial Communications Port.
I also help with the MSDOS Trunker program. Unfortunely it is getting harder to run trunker with each new version of Windows. Recent laptops and some computers do not to have real serial ports. There are several support sites.
Trunker Data Files are some of my files from Trunker programs. Mostly of the New England Area but I do travel with radios.
Uniden Scanner Files for the BCD396T and BCD996T. Again mostly of New England but I do travel with radios.
Pro-96 Scanner Files. I do not use the Pro-96 much but still have some files.
My Favorite Links and Things
BADX is the premiere radio listening club in the Boston Area. And I am not saying it because the club is the only radio listening club in the Boston Area.
The Winter SWL Fest is the yearly gathering of SWLs, Scanner Scum, and other people interested in radio. 2007 is the 20th year. It is held in Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Uniden Scanner Files have files useful to Fest Attendees. Pro-96, Pro-97, and other files are available at the Scanner Scum site. I also have a jpeg of “Railroads of Montgomery County”, coming soon to a theater near you.
If you like old time radio, techie shows, and music not played on radio stations any more then check out the W0KIE Radio Network. Radio Free Dishnuts provides W0KIE programming on the internet.
More to come...